Monday 7 July 2014

NEDWA's fifth anniversary dinner dance 15th November 2014!

Save the date and bring your husbands, partners and friends!!

To celebrate NEDWA’s 5th Anniversary we are holding a Dinner Dance with music by Replay
on the evening of Saturday 15th November
at the Club House, Essendieras, Excideuil 24160

Pre-registration form:

Name ……………………………………………………………………………….

Address    …………………………………………………………………………..

Telephone and email ……………………………………………………………..

No. of Persons (25€ per head to include dinner and dancing)  …………….

Deposit payable to NEDWA (10€ per person) …………………………………

Please email us for postage details at

Macmillan Coffee Morning - Friday 26th September

Save the date!!

NEDWA will be holding a coffee morning in Lanouaille in aid of the Macmillan nurses on Friday 26th September at 10am

More details to follow...

Vide Grenier - NEDWA stand - 14th July at Jumilhac le Grand

Just to let you know that NEDWA are taking a stall at the Jumilhac le Grand Vide Grenier.
It runs all day on the Monday 14th July, if any one would like to sell items, please can they let Shirley know and bring them along on the day.
We only ask for 2 euros contribution to the cost of the stall and if you can spare 2 hours to help man the stall it would be appreciated!
All items to be marked with the selling price and the seller's initials please.
Contact Shirley on or telephone  05 53 52 73 14